I’ve talked to literally hundreds
Of Fathers who are getting ducked out of their Money, and their Children’s lives, simply because they don’t want to be with the mother anymore.
@Regrann from @fatherslivesmatter - I'd venture to say that 90% of the issues father's deal with can be traced right back to "failed relationships". I've talked to literally hundreds of fathers who are getting ducked out of their money, and their children's lives, simply because they don't want to be with the mother anymore. Ladies, if the man doesn't want to be with you, that is not a blank check to attempt to destroy their life.
#fatherslivesmatter #thefathersrightsmovement #flawedsystem #letmebeafather #parentalalienationawareness #fatherslivesmatter #equalparenting #daddys #fathersrightsmovement #womenforfathersrights #ex #fatherhood #manipulation #equalrights #fathersareimportanttoo #victim #babymamadrama #huffpostgram #suicideawareness #timetoputkidsfirst #fathersrights #missmykids #stepmomproblems #mothersday #mystory #internationalmensday - https://www.instagram.com/p/BmxSSz7nCRH/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=15con76k80h69
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