#Instagram: Can you please allow #UnfollowTools to be used on your site? Defeats the purpose of #Connecting with people if I can’t follow them back.
Social media has helped me in all aspects of life, unlike many others who complain about wanting to return to the stone age of pen and pencil. Before social media; I didn’t have access to all this information so readily, I couldn’t fake my life and create my own reality, things like laws of attraction were just mere speculations. Many social sciences in recent years have been proven reality, whereas in the past, I would be labeled mentally ill for even mentioning such things. Can you name one person who doesn’t believe in astrology lately lol?
This has been my tool for advancing my career and getting to have a normal life since 05; making peace with my enemies, getting out of legal trouble, getting married, and getting married again lol.
Unfollow tools are necessary for large accounts, and people who want control over their data for things like sales, and increased safety for their loved ones.
Please bring it back. No one is gonna get hacked, passwords don’t matter anymore. Maybe even allow security keys? They can be used for moble.
The post #Instagram: Can you please allow #UnfollowTools to be used on your site? Defeats the purpose of #Connecting with people if I can’t follow them back. appeared first on Disruptive Fine Art.