The term Narcissistic Parent I believe was co-created by The Courts to further Divide The Family Unit for Profit. Movements I helped jump start such as Father’s Rights, I realized later on were actually Counterproductive, the real Enemy has always been The Courts themselves…
Sadly, Money & survival becomes the driving factor… The System is designed this way to create guilt. So instead of blaming the other Parent, feeding into the Narcissist Narrative, which feeds The Courts not your Kids. Both parties should say f*** you to Friend Of The Court.
Family Law Reform #familylawreform #parentalalienation #familylaw #family #equality #stopparentalalienation #equalparenting #fathersmatter #kids #support #narcissist #fatherhood #fathersrightsmovement #dads #youarenotalone #dadlife #parenthood
— DANIEL BRUMMITT (@D_A_N_I_E_L___B) June 15, 2021